Whipsnakes vs Cannons Photo Gallery August 27th, 2023 Nobody's better at ripping jumpers than Brad Smith is (Photo courtesy of Nick Ieradi). Smith beats Colin Kirst with a beautiful bouncer (Photo courtesy of Nick Ieradi). The Cannons offense did just enough to topple the Whipsnakes in the last week of the 2023 regular season (Photo courtesy of Nick Ieradi). Marcus Holman further cemented himself as one of the best attackmen in professional lacrosse history this season (Photo courtesy of Nick Ieradi). Asher Nolting flies across the crease to score (Photo courtesy of Nick Ieradi). Petey LaSalla hardly ever loses a faceoff against the prevent strategy (Photo courtesy of Nick Ieradi). Will Manny shoots behind the back on the crease (Photo courtesy of Nick Ieradi). Tucker Dordevic dodges to his right against Bubba Fairman (Photo courtesy of Nick Ieradi). You could say the Cannons offense has been firing on all cylinders this summer (Photo courtesy of Nick Ieradi),. Kyle Bernlohr fires an outlet pass after making a save (Photo courtesy of Nick Ieradi). Asher Nolting takes the brunt of a check (Photo courtesy of Liam Murphy). Should Salt Lake City be a PLL home city in 2024? (Photo courtesy of Nick Ieradi).