The PLL Junior Championships provide hundreds of players from across the country (ages 10-14) a once-in-a-lifetime lacrosse experience featuring unparalleled access to the pros, a live-streamed draft, and a chance to play on ESPN+.
PLL Junior Championships kick off with immersive training camps in January and February where players learn from PLL pros, compete against their peers, and get evaluated for the PLL Junior Player Pool. Athletes in the player pool get selected to PLL teams during the live-streamed Junior Draft on PLL's YouTube.
The event's pinnacle happens in Baltimore, where players travel to a PLL Game Weekend venue, and compete for the Junior Championships title at Homewood Field on ESPN+.
If you're looking for an opportunity to play on the biggest stage, or simply trying to improve your game, this is the experience for you.
PART 1: training campS
Every training camp is an opportunity for athletes to participate in a one-of-a-kind experience, receiving hands-on training from the best athletes and coaches in the sport.
10+ PLL players attend each camp to coach with a focus on the following:
- Standardized teaching from top coaches + PLL pros
- Dedicated positional + skill training sessions
- Coordinated offensive + defensive concepts for game play
- Evaluations to determine skills, strengths, and ability.
- Opportunities to meet PLL players and learn from their stories

Orlando, FL
1/3 - 1/5
Orlando, FL
1/10 - 1/12
Orlando, FL
1/24 - 1/26
Las Vegas, NV
1/31 - 2/2
The 2025 camp schedule will likely follow the same agenda as the 2024 training camps. There may be some slight changes, but 2025's schedule should roughly follow the same general timeline as 2024. Note: all times are local to each event (EST for Florida events, PDT for Las Vegas event).
Check-in: 1:30PM - 3:00PM
Training Session: 3:15PM - 5:00PM
Training Session: 6:30PM - 9:00PM
PLL Round-Table: 8:15AM - 9:45AM
Training Session: 10:30AM - 12PM
Game Play: 2:00PM - 8:00PM
Game Play: 8:00AM - 12:00PM
Check-out: 1:00PM
PART 2: The draft
Players selected into the player pool after training camp evaluation will get picked by PLL teams in a draft on PLL's YouTube channel in May. The draft features some of the biggest names in the sport and premieres each division's rosters for the PLL Junior Championships tournament happening in August.
Part 3: The pll junior championship tournament
The PLL Junior Championships tournament takes place during the summer alongside a PLL Game Weekend. Players are outfitted in full gear kits by their respective teams. The top two teams in each age bracket compete on same field as the pros, broadcasted on ESPN+. The unique experience will mimic an actual game weekend for PLL athletes, and will be something attendees will never forget.
- Team Practices and 3 Game Round Robin Tournament
- Gear Package
- Gameday 'fit pics' upon arrival on site
- PLL Game Weekend Amenities
- Tickets for player and family to PLL Games
- Live-streamed championship games in PLL Stadium (ESPN+)
- Games played under modified PLL Rules


The 2024 PLL Junior Championships took place in early August in Baltimore, MD. The Championship Games were played at the historic Homewood Field and aired on ESPN+. The Junior Cannons (U12) and Junior Atlas (U14) were victorious, claiming their first Junior Championship titles.

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the Age Divisions for the PLL Jr. Championships?
There are two divisions comprised of 5th and 6th Grade Players (2030/2031) and 7th and 8th (2028/2029) Grade Players. These players will be trained and evaluated in their separate age groups and those qualifying will be asked to be part of Player Pools for drafting on one of the eight PLL Jr. Teams in each age bracket.
Will there be assistance with travel accommodations for the training camps?
Room blocks and lodging will be set up for families traveling.
Where will the 2025 Jr. PLL Championship take place?
At a TBD PLL Game Weekend, in the summer of 2025.
Do we have to attend a training camp?
In order to be considered for the player pool and Junior Draft, you must attend at least one of the four training camps.
Questions? Please reach out to the Junior PLL team by filling out the form below,
or by sending us an email at play@premierlacrosseleague.com!
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